
Vicky Baker

Vicky Baker has written 3 posts for Local Travel

It’s hip to be local

Here it is proof that “going local” is fashionable. I spotted this “I love locals” T-shirt being worn by someone on the streets of a hip part of Buenos Aires last week. I instantly wondered where it came from and, through the wonders of the internet, I tracked it down by typing simply “I love […]

A world of misguided tourism campaigns

Blamed for “casting Australia as a nation of tone-deaf people and drawing on dowdy 50-year-old stereotypes“, the latest Tourism Australia campaign hasn’t gone down well on home shores since launching earlier this week. You can watch ‘There’s Nothing like Australia‘ here, but be warned: jabbing yourself in the ears with hot barbecue tongs would bring […]

How do you define ‘local travel’?

This week has seen the launch of LocalTravelMovement.com. It’s aim is to bring together supporters of local travel and it will act as a platform for the debate that is already going on around the web. I was involved in some of the early discussions and it got me thinking about trying to define ‘local […]