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Local tours

Campaign for a word-of-mouth adventure guide

You know those great places you hear about from a friend of a friend?

Independent, individual and personal. Run by friendly people who live locally, breathe your passion for a certain activity and know the best spots.

Hard to find aren’t they?

If you have been lucky enough to find one, then join Much Better Adventures as we build a word-of-mouth travel guide for the adventure community.

This open-to-all guide is designed to unearth the independent, individual local gems you otherwise never hear about, support local businesses and reward ethical practices.

‘It’s our own little fight against the impersonal, mass produced and green washed  ‘adventure’ packages that are forever being thrown at us, like there is no alternative. Well there are plenty out there’, I wrote in a call-to-arms email to followers on Friday.

You can add your suggestion to the site here:  www.muchbetteradventures.com/joinus.

In return for sharing your tip, you will enter the draw to win one of a number of adventure holidays with site members, ice climbing lessons at London and Manchester Vertical Chill centres, and t-shirts provided by Picture, a new organic clothing brand.

Much Better Adventures will check all suggestions and add them to the site, so others can get straight in touch. As a social enterprise, we reward the most ethical (or ‘muchbetter’) with featured profiles. We also offer a sustainability consultancy designed to help others start on the road to muchbetter-hood.

As well as your suggestions, the travel guides are being put together by a collection of voluntary ‘ambassadors’ – skiers, surfers, climbers, cyclists, trekkers, divers and locals in adventure hotspots around the world. Know an area well? You can become a muchbetter ambassador. Help create the full muchbetter guide, get featured and earn money.

Again, you can add your suggestion to the site here:  www.muchbetteradventures.com/joinus.



One Response to “Campaign for a word-of-mouth adventure guide”

  1. Thanks for your support LTM people. If you only have time to throw your suggestion down on the comments page here then go for it – we will still try to include you in the prize draws!

    Posted by Alex Narracott | February 3, 2011, 6:24 pm

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