
Ethan Gelber

Ethan Gelber has written 24 posts for Local Travel

Rediscovering the cultural treasures of Old Royal Montenegro

Until not that long ago – only about 100 years – the whole of Montenegro was still a tribal society with groups of families united by clan and living in regions called nahijas. The oldest historical part of Montenegro, today referred to as Old Royal Montenegro, which was independent for centuries, was split into four […]

Going local – yesterday and again today

There’s always a lot of banter about travel “back in the day.” Each generation of sojourners loves to lose itself in a halcyon haze, reflecting back on a time gone by when travel was clearly at its best… and then lost to the ever-denser droves of insensitive and irresponsible touring ogres. My golden age was […]

Get lost, go local!

My last post about the misunderstood merits of Local Travel appears to have hit a positive nerve. It seems there’s a choir out there of local travellers who welcome a little preaching. Amen. So from my fine pulpit, let me crack open the Great Explorers’ Almanac and thumb to the right page for a decidedly […]

Loco for local: travel like it should be

It’s a personal belief so powerful that I sometimes find it hard not to be preachy. Or to ignore others’ lidded gazes, warily gauging me like I’m a circus barker purveying foul-smelling hair tonic. I really must therefore ask: Can anyone explain why many travellers roll their eyes when asked about the value of local […]