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We suck at collaboration

In early May, 2011, Ron Mader, founder and editor of Planeta.com and 2010 winner of The International Ecotourism Society’s Innovation Award, gave a slideshow presentation at the Responsible Tourism Cities Conference in Durban, South Africa.

Entitled Why We Suck at Collaboration, it “addresses failure in many guises, including massive tree failure and online tourism promotion gone wrong.” However, “It’s not all negative. There are plenty of examples of collaboration done right.”

It also emphasises just how much local and slow travel could be (already are) part of a solution to many problems.

Click on the slide presentation below, which also includes access to a YouTube video inside.

Read more of Ron’s thoughts about this on his blog



2 Responses to “We suck at collaboration”

  1. Hi Ron and Ethan,

    Any extra info on this presentation would be really interesting. Unfortunately due our slow internet speed we are unable to access You Tube.

    Many thanks and wish i could have been there to listen in person!


    Posted by Kate | May 13, 2011, 7:46 am
  2. When you have a chance, try to reload and review the presentation with video. The organizers of the tourism conference gave me the provocative title and asked me to recount some examples when collaboration simply did not work.

    Hopefully this will open a conversation!

    Posted by Ron Mader | May 26, 2011, 2:42 am

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